When I try to cofigure AWS Portal asset server, I can’t save asset server setting with something wrong as show in the attachment.
Also, I get error message from log file as below,
1669523855.998693 2022-11-27 12:37:35,998 [H:\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\awsportalassetserver.py:GetFile:108] [root] [7020] [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_7] [INFO] GetFile called for path: HThinkboxAWSPortalAssetc5ed3510bbae61e47c51bf60fc9392b3/awsportalassetservervp_ybv_otemp
1669523855.998693 2022-11-27 12:37:35,998 [H:\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\awsportalassetserverlib\error_handling.py:wrapper:208] [root] [7020] [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_7] [ERROR] Received errno: 2: No such file or directory, for: Could not find share with id: HThinkboxAWSPortalAssetc5ed3510bbae61e47c51bf60fc9392b3
1669523908.215832 2022-11-27 12:38:28,215 [H:\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\awsportalassetserverlib\share_util.py:refresh_shares:94] [root] [7020] [Dummy-1] [INFO] Refreshing shares list.
1669523908.216831 2022-11-27 12:38:28,216 [H:\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\awsportalassetserverlib\share_util.py:refresh_shares:101] [root] [7020] [Dummy-1] [INFO] Share: Path: / Id: 6666cd76f96956469e7be39d750cc7d9
1669523911.383945 2022-11-27 12:38:31,383 [H:\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\awsportalassetserver.py:get_and_set_ip_address:88] [root] [7020] [Dummy-1] [INFO] IPAddress set to
Why? How to resolve this?
Did you ever resolve this issue? We’re running into the same problem.
In your case is the shown IP address incorrect? And which version of Deadline are you running?
In older versions the validation had an issue that would trigger this warning incorrectly. I’m not exactly sure when that was resolved, but it shouldn’t be an issue in 10.2.
If the IP address is correct, we’d have to take a look at the asset server’s logs. The proper error and the attempted operation will be in the application logs. That will be written in the Asset Server log right after you re-create the error in either of these files:
Windows - %PROGRAMDATA%\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\logs
Linux - /var/log/Thinkbox/AWSPortalAssetServer/
Hi Justin, that was fast!
The shown Public IP address is correct.
We are running Deadline 10.2.
Here are some samples from our log. Just to test things different ways, I tried using both mapped and local drives for the root directories. I saw similar errors in both cases:
1680638943.547680 2023-04-04 13:09:03,547 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\awsportalassetserver.py:GetFile:108] [root] [8736] [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1] [INFO] GetFile called for path: CUsers8ceffd4ee35c3518d4e8bdc7e638efe8/awsportalassetserver53k0dgcztemp
1680638943.548211 2023-04-04 13:09:03,548 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\awsportalassetserverlib\error_handling.py:wrapper:208] [root] [8736] [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1] [ERROR] Received errno: 2: No such file or directory, for: Could not find share with id: CUsers8ceffd4ee35c3518d4e8bdc7e638efe8
1680639399.049252 2023-04-04 13:16:39,049 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\awsportalassetserver.py:GetFile:108] [root] [8736] [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2] [INFO] GetFile called for path: ProductionProduction660186d43ddb01a0ac59cac8c39c9d8a/awsportalassetserverxgzbdetqtemp
1680639399.049252 2023-04-04 13:16:39,049 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\awsportalassetserverlib\error_handling.py:wrapper:208] [root] [8736] [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2] [ERROR] Received errno: 2: No such file or directory, for: Could not find share with id: ProductionProduction660186d43ddb01a0ac59cac8c39c9d8a
Please let me know if I should provide the entire log, or if there are any other helpful tests I can do!
Have a look at the Portal Link logs, too. it might be that it is not configured correctly.
Any advice on what I might be looking for there? I checked:
- awsportallink_SaveFingerPrint.log
- AWSPortalLink-deadline01-2023-04-04-0000.log
- AWSPortalLink-deadline01-2023-04-04-0001.log
- AWSPortalLink-deadline01-2023-04-04-0000.GetTunnelParams.log
within %PROGRAMDATA%\Thinkbox\AWSPortalLink.
All of the log lines were of level [INFO] – I didn’t see anything with the level of [ERROR].
Something I didn’t think of yesterday, if you to to https://checkip.amazonaws.com/ from the computer running the asset server service, does it return the same IP address? That URL is how AWS sees your public IP. Usually not a factor, but I’ve seen mis-matches when a VPN is in use.
I’d remove the C:\Users root directory, as the service user won’t have permission to read/write into someone else’s Users directory and that’s probably what’s triggering the first failure.
Yes, it does return the same IP address. I checked using https://checkip.amazonaws.com/ and the internet modem. The public IP addresses matches between the three (I have redacted that last octet in the image for privacy).
As for the root directory, I have tried:
- C:/
- C:/Users/Swarm/
- C:/Users/Swarm/Desktop
All produce the same error. Do you have a recommendation of a root directory I should try?
I can see how it could be a permissions issue in terms of being unable to read/write to a directory. This is a screenshot of the Services, both of which are set to Log On As “swarm”, the administrator and the only user on the computer.
Is there anything that seems off about that?
Well, it’s possible it’s wrong - if you hit yes and carry on with a test render, do your files come back?
I wouldn’t use anything under C:\Users for a root directory, permissions problems aren’t worth the pain. And I don’t think Windows will let you share those out to as a network share if I recall correctly.
Hey there, just wanted to follow up. I did not do the initial installation of AWS Portal, so I uninstalled it and then reinstalled it.
The error no longer occurs. I wish I could speak more as to what was wrong, but this resolved the issue for us.
We had issues with Portal too. Had to modify one config file to use the correct IPs and ports for everything.
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