Pulse as service

I’m trying to set up pulse as a service on our server. I read in the documentation that if you run deadline launcher service the pulse will also run in background. But I can’t find it. So what I do is to first start the regular pulse on the server so I can see it in deadline monitor and then i stop the pulse from there and start it again and then it looks lite it’s running in the background. But if I restart the server I have to manually start the pulse again.
Is there any way to start the pulse as a service automatically?

You probably just need to add an entry to the deadline.ini file to launch Pulse when the Launcher starts up. Then as long as the Launcher service is starting when the machine starts up, you should be good to go. Here is the documentation for how to do this:
thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … ning_Pulse

Hope this helps!

  • Ryan

Once again, if you run it as a service, you lose the ui feedback.


Thanks Ryan. I had already put “LaunchPulseAtStartup=True” in the .ini but I’d forgot to set the logon account in the service.
Now it’s working fine!
Thanks anyway!
