I am having a pulse connection problem on my machine.
Pulse is running fine on our windows 2008 server. Most of the workstations connect and behave fine.
My workstation however connects (according to the little icon in the corner of Monitor) but when I do a jobs refresh it loses the connection and does a sloooooow refresh.
Doing an all slaves refresh seems to keep the pulse connection and is fast.
Things I have tried:
Restarting Pulse
Reinstalling my installation of deadline client.
Windows 7
Deadline 5.2
~40 render slaves at the moment
Can you send us the Monitor log after a slow refresh? You can find the log by selecting Help -> Explore Log Folder in the Monitor. We can check to see if there are any errors.
I guess the next thing to do would be to enable Pulse verbose logging, which can be done from the Application Logging section of the Repository Options. After enabling the option, restart Pulse so that it recognizes the changes right away. Then while Pulse is running, check if it prints out any errors when responding to the JobsUpdate request from your machine.
Hopefully Pulse is printing out something that explains why it’s sending an Invalid message.
Listener - TIMEOUT (unknown client): received no request
Listener - TIMEOUT (unknown client): received no request
It’s hard to know if anything else is relevant - it’s really tricky to figure out what is what when hundreds of lines stream past every few seconds on the log.
I’m certain that those lines are relevant to my problem because they only appear the second I press refresh
If this problem is consuming too much time, forget about it. We’re planning to upgrade to 6.0 once this current job finishes in a months time and I can just grit my teeth till then.
I restarted the machine that the pulse server runs on for an unrelated reason. When it came back up, Pulse was suddenly working for me again.
I like problems that get fixed like that.