Pulse error

Hi Guys,
I was using Pulse with the mobile app and everything was working nicely.
Now for some reason after a reboot I get this message:

An error occurred while executing script “Mobile_GetJobList.py” for the Pulse WebService:
Python Error: FormatException : Stringa non riconosciuta come valore DateTime valido.
in System.DateTime.Parse(String s) (Python.Runtime.PythonException)
Stack Trace:
[’ File “none”, line 122, in main\n’]

Could you please let me know if the py files has been corrupted for some reasons?
Thanks and looking forward to hearing by you.

Best regards,


We had some problems with the time change. If it’s alright as a test, try archiving all the jobs on that day and see if it helps the problem.

We should have this cleared up in Deadline 7.1.

Hi Edwin,
thanks for your reply.
I tried to archive all the jobs and I created a new one but the problem still persist.
Could you please let me know if there’s a workaround for this issue.
The weird thing is that as I said it was working as a charme and suddenly after a reboot the applicantion started giving me this error.
Thanks again and I hope to hearing from you soon.

All the best,



Could you send over a pulse log for us to look at? If you open the pulse window on the machine running it, then go to help, then explore log folders, this should bring you to the log folder, and you are looking for the most recent deadlinepulse file there.


Hi there,
thanks for your message.
Here’s the log requested.
Hopefully it’d help you to figure out the issue.
Thanks again.

All the best,

deadlinepulse-DARTH-VADER-2015-03-27-0000.log (2.5 MB)


Looking over that, if the jobs from the pertinent time were archived and removed from the repository, there should be no further issues. Can you verify all jobs which were created, modified, rendered, or completed during the time frame have been removed? Thanks.

Hi there,
I cleaned everything from the repository.
Once I try to create a new job and then I start-up the app from the mobile to download the list I got the same error :cry:


So one of our devs looked at what you sent over and they saw that there seemed to be an exception that wasn’t being caught. Can you back up of Mobile_GetJobList.py in \your\repository\scripts\WebService then unzip the enclosed file to that same location, and then try it again? At the least hopefully this will be more helpful in seeing a problem. Thanks.
Mobile_GetJobList.zip (2.8 KB)

Hi there!
It worked!
Thank you so much for your help.

All the best,



Thanks for letting us know. I’ve passed this along to the developers!