AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Pulse stalled / crashed

We just had a “Stalled Pulse” event this morning. Thought you guys might be interested.
We got the mail notification around 2014-11-12, 10:09. When i checked the machine running it (around 16:30) the Pulse window was still there and i exited Pulse and the Launcher. The latter then crashed and i had to kill the process and restart both.
I did this so late because i thought it’s a false positive as the app was still running. We only noticed something must be wrong when we tried to render a job.
Logs attached.
I did not yet re-install the Client package as you suggested over here
I’ll do this later today. But i guess this issue is not related anyway.

Holger (674 KB)

Strange… there aren’t any error messages in either of these logs to indicate what the problem was.

After you get a chance to reinstall the client on this machine, let us know if this happens again.


Just did so and will definitely let you know in case it happens again.


I experecne the same Problem. Everytime a Monitor is started all Pulse Instance crash/ stop to respond.

Which version of Deadline 7 are you on? Can you upgrade all your machines (slaves, pulse, workstations) to RC4, which is the latest version, and see if you still have this problem?


I was on .49 but just updated to .50 same problem. As soon as a monitor starts puls crashes.

Thanks for confirming. Can you upload the Pulse log from the session that it crashed? To find the log folder, you can use the Launcher’s menu and select Explore Log Folder. You can find the same option in Pulse’s help menu as well. Maybe just sort by date/time and grab the last few pulse logs and upload them as attachments.


Hey just found and fixxed the Problem, there was an Error in the Autoconfiguration.

Ah, okay, glad you were able to fix it. We should definitely make sure that auto-config issues don’t cause crashes though! We’ll look into that.


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