Pulse webservice - Get Ping status


We’re currently working a webscript for deadline that allows us to use Deadline as a remote Wake On Lan system for powering up our pc’s in case they have suspended them selves from outside the company, and so far I’ve managed to that just fine. As a safety check, I’ve used the Server status as a test for checking if the machine is online, however the slave status only reflects if the Deadline slave is running or not, and doesn’t take into consideration if the machine is powered on or not. So I would love to update my script to use the ping status instead of the slave status, however I’m not able to find any scripting references for what arguments to use from the GetPulseSlaves in order to extract the ping status.

At the moment, this is what I’m using with the slave status:

[code]## Echo status based on state
results += "

Status: "
        if(slaves[index]["SlaveStatus"] == "Idle"):
            results += "<b style='color: #777; font-weight: 500;'>Idle</b>"
        elif(slaves[index]["SlaveStatus"] == "Stalled"):
            results += "<b style='color: #bc4328; font-weight: 500;'>Stalled</b>"
        elif(slaves[index]["SlaveStatus"] == "Rendering"):
            results += "<b style='color: #5c9c00; font-weight: 500;'>Rendering</b>"
        elif(slaves[index]["SlaveStatus"] == "Disabled"):
            results += "<b style='color: #777; font-weight: 500;'>Disabled</b>"
        elif(slaves[index]["SlaveStatus"] == "Offline"):
            results += "<b style='color: #bc4328; font-weight: 500;'>Offline</b>"
        ## Close status div[/code]

Hopefully someone can help me with this problem :slight_smile:

Also, is there by any chance a large scripting reference site or any function that I can use to explorer my posibillities with the different API calls from deadline? I’m a very basic python programmer, so having a scripting reference where I can see most of my possibilties would be awesome!

Best regards,


  • Cadpeople 3D Intern.

Hi Casper,

The ping status isn’t actually stored with the slave information. The Monitor directly pings the machines, and then displays that information in each slave’s column. .NET has a ping class though that you should be able to use from your python script:
msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library … .ping.aspx

You can find the full Deadline API reference here:
thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … toverview/

Here’s some extra info for the web service scripts:
thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … tingpulse/

Hope this helps!

  • Ryan