purge logs on slave

When pulse is down (im having trouble updating it to beta13), would slaves start trying to purge?

I found a slave that stalled out, and this is what was in its log:

last lines:

2013-03-01 14:18:32: Purging old job auxiliary files
2013-03-01 14:19:12: Cleaning up orphaned tasks
2013-03-01 14:19:31: Purging limits
2013-03-01 14:19:31: Returning orphaned limit stub ‘5131067dad595c099cb46acf’ for LAPRO0302: the slave is no longer using this limit group
2013-03-01 14:19:31: Returning orphaned limit stub ‘51311719994be61564341c9e’ for LAPRO0302: the slave is no longer using this limit group
2013-03-01 14:19:31: Returning orphaned limit stub ‘51312799f5ec9b14d812f7d4’ for LAPRO0302: the slave is no longer using this limit group
2013-03-01 14:19:59: Purging old statistics
2013-03-01 14:19:59: Purging slave statistics that are older than Nov 01/12 14:21:33
2013-03-01 14:19:59: Purging repository statistics that are older than Nov 01/12 14:21:33
2013-03-01 14:20:44: Purging repository temp files
2013-03-01 14:21:03: Purging unsubmitted jobs
2013-03-01 14:21:06: Purging obsolete slaves

Attached is the full log (ignore the errors during the render, they are known internal issues)
deadlineslave_LAPRO0226-LAPRO0226-2013-03-01-0001.log (134 KB)

Yes, the slaves will perform random house cleanings at random times if Pulse isn’t running.

Everything in the log looks fine. What was the indication that the slave was stalled out? Was that it simply wasn’t picking up jobs?

It doesn’t look like Verbose logging is enabled for the slaves. You can turn it on in the Application Logging section of the Repository Options. The verbose logging can be handy if the slave isn’t picking up jobs.


  • Ryan

I cant recall now, i think it was just stalled in the monitor, and no activity in the last hour. I turned on verbose logging though, so hopefully next logs will be more helpful.