Python Search Paths Question

Currently I have an OnSlaveStartingJob event grabbing the job, determining which pipeline version the user is on (a main branch and a test branch) via an environment variable, and adding the correct path to the PYTHONPATH. We use this to test new features before rolling out to users.

It works like this.

PLTOOLS = os.path.join('/vfx', 'pipe', 'src', os.environ['REPO'])

Then append PLTOOLS to the python path so the code can be found.

I just discovered today the Python Settings in “Configure Repository Options” today. Is it possible here to get the path in a similar way as above without using an event using this box, knowing that we may need the path to change based on who the user (dev/artist) is?

These paths are global paths, and while Path Mapping is applied to them so that they work across different operating systems ( … tform.html), it’s currently not possible to dynamically update these paths based on the current user.

We have been looking at ways to support user-based paths in Path Mapping though, which I think would do exactly what you need. I’ll make a note that this is another situation where user-based paths would help.


That would be great, thanks! I’ll look forward to it possibly in a future release. :slight_smile: