Question about Tile Rendering an Animation

Hi All,

I have a question about Tile Rendering when used to produce an animation:
We have to render a very high resolution 3ds Max animation (16k) and frankly some of our older machines aren’t really up to the task, so this is a perfect case to split the frames up into smaller bits and reassemble later. Fortunately Deadline makes this very easy with the “ANIMATION, MULTI-REGION ‘Jigsaw’ Rendering” option, and so I chose a grid of 6 roughly 5k tiles per frame and sent the job off to our farm. So far so good.
After a few hours I checked the Deadline Monitor and noticed something unexpected - Deadline has split the job up into 6 smaller jobs (that’s expected), but is rendering them in a really annoying order (unexpected). Rather than working through the 6 tiles that make up a frame and then assembling the frame before moving on to the next one, it’s rendering all of the top-left tiles first, before moving on to rendering the top-middle tiles etc. This is super annoying as it means I have to wait until the entire rendering is complete (roughly 3 days) until I can see even a single finsihed frame.
Does anyone here know how to change this behaviour, so that Deadline finishes all the tiles needed for a frame, assembles it and then moves on to the next task?

I was thinking that a work-around would be to split the job into chunks of 10 frames but even that is proving difficult. I can’t see any obvious way to duplicate a job in the Deadline Monitor, which would be much faster than sending the job 30 times from 3ds Max. Am I missing something obvious here? Even backburner has a simple right-clip Duplicate Job feature!

Best regards

Here is a (very old) jigsaw video that explains the concept.

If you are using V-Ray, it may help to use the offload DR


You can make a pool of Workers which will render these tile jobs. And then change the job scheduling order to Pool, Balanced: Check here for more information: Job Scheduling — Deadline documentation

It should render in correct order.

Hi Zainali,

Thank-you for the answer. Pools are definitely something I will look into.
With regards to my second question, do you know of an easy way to duplicate a job in the Monitor? Perhaps I’m being thick, but I can’t seem to find it

Best regards

Do you mean duplicate the existing job? You could right click and ‘resubmit’ the existing job, but this will overwrite any output from the original (unless you amended the frame-range.)



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