Question/Request: Draft API & Shotgun Filmstrip Rendering

Hi, I have two questions concerning Draft:
(1) Is or will there be an API for Draft besides the cookbook? We’d like to convert tiled EXRs to scanline EXRs with parameters for compression and bit depth, but I couldn’t find any documentation for the WriteToFile function.
(2) We’d also like to create Shotgun Filmstrip Thumbnails via Draft and my question is if you are already planning on implementing this function in your scripts. Otherwise this would be feature request :wink:


Hey Chris,

This would be a good question to post on the newly created Draft forum:

I’m not very familiar with the Draft API myself, but someone with more knowledge on the subject should be able to help you on the Draft forum.


  • Ryan

I don’t think scanline/Tile based EXR is currently supported by Draft . It’s a popular feature request though.

Okay, thank you! I’ll post it again on the Draft forum.
