Quick Access To Preset Modifiers

Provide a fast (2 clicks) access to Genome Modifier Preset.

Currently, there is a MacroScript that can be used to add a Genome modifier to one or more selected objects - click 1. Then the user has to open the Editor (click 2) the select a file from the Presets list and double-click it (clicks 3 and 4) to load, or click a sub-folders (click 5) before double-clicking a preset. Then he has to close the Editor (click 5 or 6).

One alternative would be to build a menu with sub-menus for the sub-folders and an item for each preset. This menu could be accessed from a MacroScript that can be assigned to a toolbar, shortcut or menu/quadmenu. So the process would be invoking the MacroScript (click 1) and selecting a Preset (click2). This would add the modifier and load the preset on the selected object(s) without ever seeing the Editor.

Alternative approaches include a floating dialog with presets browser and more info about the items like thumbnails and notes.

In theory, the menu could be the fast access option and the Genome Presets Browser could be an alternative method, but both could be shipped.


IMPLEMENTED in Beta 3 on March 23, 2012