quick scripting question

I’m considering diving into scripting to gain one particular feature and I was hoping someone has a quick answer to this before I commit.

I would like to set concurrent tasks in the submission script to a dynamic number based on the current memory usage of the app it’s being sent from. Do I have access to these types of variables?

You can set the concurrent tasks in the job info file using these keys:

  • ConcurrentTasks=<1-16> : Specifies the maximum number of tasks that a slave can render at a time (default = 1). This is useful for script plugins that support multithreading.

  • LimitTasksToNumberOfCpus=<true/false> : If ConcurrentTasks is greater than 1, setting this to true will ensure that a slave will not dequeue more tasks than it has processors (default = true).

Getting the memory usage from the app you’re submitting from depends on the application you’re submitting from.


  • Ryan