Quicktime and Codecs Not Sticky

Everytime i render a quicktime along with a render, it doesn;t respect the codec Im choosing. It always saves as h.264? Im setting up the quicktime settings and saving a settings.xml file? Any ideas?


Whenever i post I always figure it out 10 minutes later. It seems that writing over the “Quicktime_Settings.xml” doesn’t work. If you make a new one with a new name like “AnimationCodec.xml” It seems to then respect it. Good to know.

More issues… The quicktimes Im getting back have odd frame rates? They were set to 24 fps, but I got one back at 8 fps, then when i tried to save the .xml data and re-render, it came back as 8.65 fps? Any idea on why this might be?

Which OS are you rendering the QT movies on? We recently discovered there were frame rate issues with the OSX version (which will be fixed in 5.0), but we aren’t aware of any issues with the Windows version.


  • Ryan