quicktime creation with IFF

I tested the new quicktime creation in 2.5, I had problems creating quicktime from .iff images, which I think might be normal because quicktime can’t read iff file nativly.

So how can I use file format that are not nativly supported by quicktime? like IFF, EXR, etc…


Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision

Do you have Fusion or Digital Fusion?

That plugin uses Quicktime to read the images and make the quicktime, so it only works with Quicktime-supported files. Currently the best option for other file types is with the Fusion quicktime generator.

The way I’d imagine supporting other formats with the Quicktime plugin is by adding an ImageMagick plugin. Then the quicktime submission would submit two dependent jobs, the first one an ImageMagick conversion job, followed by the quicktime creation job.


No we don’t have fusion here. I guess we could get one copy, but it’s expensive a bit if we only use it for quicktime generation.

Mark, could you use imgcvt.exe or imf_copy.exe in your quicktime generation executable so it would convert the frame then include it in the quicktime, the conversion done in background by the your executable?

I think imf_copy.exe is a better solution, it is done by mental image and should support more format.

Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision