Quicktime Generator

Can someone please explain to me why I can generate a quicktime with audio?

I have a .jpeg(images) sequence and a .wav(audio) file
I can get the.jpeg sequence to convert to a .mov without the audio but if I try to add audio it fails everytime

Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): Error: Unknown Error (COM) (FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcessAbort) (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)

Anyone? I can give more info if you need it.

Hi Karl,

This sounds a little like an issue that was resolved in version 4.0. What version are you running?

Could you post a simple test jpeg sequence and audio file that reproduces the problem? If we can reproduce it here it’ll make it easier for us to troubleshoot the issue.

  • Cody

Thanks Cody, I’m on version 3.1
I’ll have to Talk to my management to see what I can and can’t post, but if you’re telling me it’s a bug that has been fixed in 4, then sound like I would need to upgrade, or find a work around. Can you tell me if/what it will cost to upgrade, or if there is a patch or plugin script I can download?

I just took over management of this department where I work and I’m trying to piece together what we have and what kind of support we may need. Still learning as I go so any info would be helpful.


For questions regarding cost of upgrades and getting a 4.0 license you can email our sales department at deadline-sales@primefocusworld.com.

It would probably be best if we tested a problematic jpeg sequence beforehand to confirm that the issue is indeed resolved in 4.0. If you’d feel more comfortable, you can email the test sequence to our deadline-support@primefocusworld.com address. I can see that you already have a support ticket for this issue, so you can just reply to the support ticket email with your attachment.

Note, that we don’t necessarily need the actual image sequence and audio file you are having trouble with, just ones that will reproduce the issue.

  • Cody

OK Cody,

I replied to the support ticket and attached a .zip file with files that can reproduce the same issue.
thanks for helping out.