Quicktime with sound


So I’ve had great success with the DJV plugin and script to generate movs of after effects renders, but I would like to embed sound on it aswell.

The quicktime plugin seem to be able to do this, but I can’t get the plugin to work properly. If I point the plugin to the first frame of a render, it seem to generate a mov with that frame only and doesn’t take the rest of the frame sequence.
Though the length of the mov is the length of the audio file, so reads the audio fine. The frame sequence are pngs.

Has anybody else a similar issue?

That’s odd. What is the format of your frame sequence? Can you zip up and send us a subset of the pngs that we could use for testing? Something like 10 or 20 frames should be sufficient. If your current frames contain sensitive data, can you just create a new batch (ie: a moving cube or something simple) that reproduces the problem?


  • Ryan

the frame format is; renderName.####.png

a bit of a correction. the length of the movs are not the length of the audio file, but of the frame range. So it reads the number of frames correct, but there is just white screen for the every frame except the first one.

its not something like you need quicktime pro to be able to out the movs?
also which email might I send the sample pngs to?

IIRC, I got stuck getting DJV to support any type of frame range which wasn’t an N+1th frame sequence.
ie: if your frame range is 10,20,30 then DJV doesn’t support it.
I believe I made a note of this in the py plugin file?

the DJV script works perfect, its the quicktime script/plugin I’m having problems with.

Just tested out a QT job with audio, and it seemed to work fine. Which OS are you running the QT job on? Is it possible to upload some images, the audio file, and the QT settings file you’re submitting to Deadline to see if we can reproduce here?


  • Ryan

Im running on windows 7. Attached are the image files, audio and quicktime settings that I used.
boxAnim.zip (1.29 MB)

Thanks! I tested this out here, and it worked fine…

What were your Codec and Frame Rate settings? Mine were QuickTime Movie and 24.00 respectively.

Also, what version of Deadline are you using? We were testing against 5.1.46398, but if you have 5.1.46114 installed, that would be fine because the QT plugin didn’t change between these versions.


  • Ryan

The codec and frame rate settings I use are Quicktime Movie and 25.00. Tested 24.00, but still the same problem.

The deadline version is 5.1.46114.

it must be something to do with quicktime. Do you have to have Quicktime Pro for the plugin to work?

Nope, you don’t need QT pro for it to work, and I don’t have it on the machine I tested on. The version I have installed is 7.7.1 (1680.42).

would it be possible to get a screenshot of the inputs you do when filling out the submission dialog?

thats the only thing I can think of, that I might be doing wrong atm.

Here’s the screen shot. I’m really not doing anything special. I have Mobile-004 specified in the machine list to tart that specific machine, but that’s about it…

I seem to have had partial success here. When I reference the input images from my local drives, being c drive, I get a correct output.

but when I reference images from our server storage, it comes out with only one frame rendered. any ideas as to what could cause this problem?

Interesting. I moved the test files you sent us to one of our servers and then ran two tests: one using UNC paths and one using a Mapped Drive. Both worked fine.

Maybe it’s a latency problem or something. Do you have another server you could host the files on for a test? That would be a good test to see if it’s just something specific with the current server.

it works on a different server. does seem like there are some problems with the main server.

will need to investigate this further. thanks for your help:-)

Just a reminder for myself and anyone having problems with the quicktime plugin. The default plugin quicktime settings for sound don’t work for me, so need to change the Linear PCM to AAC.