RAWVIDEO mov flips channel and corrupt header

It looks like RAWVIDEO is corrupt for MOV too.

I used the flags

W:\13022 L3 Q400 Videos\Shots\EXT\MP0045\Renders\COMP\A04.02\container\L3Q_EXT_MP0045_A04.02_HARDPOINT_rawvideo.mov, 24.0, 1920, 1080, quality=100, RAWVIDEO

and the RED and BLUE channels are flipped.

Thank you for your report! I will add this to our bug tracker.

If you need a workaround, I think you could swap the red and blue channels before encoding:img.RenameChannel( 'R', 'temp' ) img.RenameChannel( 'B', 'R' ) img.RenameChannel( 'temp', 'B' ) enc.EncodeNextFrame( img )
(This requires Draft 1.1.)