RC6, Mono 2.10.2, postflight install OS X

Hmm. The installer runs through, eventually summons the repository setup wizard, which gets stuck like this.
Screen shot 2011-05-11 at 18.59.40.png

We can’t seem to reproduce this one with Mono 2.6.7 or any of the available Mono 2.10.x releases. One thing that’s worth a try is to wipe your Mono installation and then just reinstall Mono 2.10.2. The uninstaller script can be found here:
mono-project.com/Mono:OSX#Un … n_Mac_OS_X

We had 12 different Mono installations on our test machines (which we discovered when we were trying to reproduce the app package bug), so this script cleaned up things nicely. :slight_smile: