RCS vs Direct Connection Pros/Cons/Performance

As I understand RCS gets rid of a lot of permissions issues that we might have with Direct connection. It’s also needed for AWS Portal/Server functionality and connected nodes to a remote repo, etc.
Are there other significant Pros or Cons of RCS vs Direct Connection? How does the on prem performance compare at scale (ex. 100s of nodes)?

I noticed some slowdowns sometimes when using RCS at one of my clients while on-prem however I think this was due to the VM that was running their Repo and RCS server was getting hammered with renders and Asset uploads (they also ran Asset server on it).

I think if you properly separate each service (i.e. Asset Server on one machine/vm, RCS on another, Repo on it’s own) then you run into less trouble of saturating bandwidth and cpu.

With another client I am using it remotely to test some things on a very tiny farm over NordVPN and it seems very fine and snappy.

The underlying hardware power is what really matters, especilly when you have loads of renders going and Asset Uploads etc… if its all on one machine… it tends to bottleneck.

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