RE: upper limit

is the upper limit of 10 million how many parts that a single source can

produce, or produce at one time? <<

Looks like this note got stuck in the email queue! I got about 10 million


I believe that each PF Source will allow up to 10 million particles in

total. Between the Birth Operator and Spawning, you could definitely create

more than 10 million particles but the Source Upper Limit will clip new

particles at that amount. With Delete operators and other particle death

events, you might be able to add new particles and still stay under the

limit. You can also add additional Sources and merge them into later events

to get higher counts. (I am trying to test here, but can’t get to that

point on my 32-bit system without crashing out of memory.)

However, given Krakatoa’s ability to cache particles to disk, it would seem

far more efficient to take advantage of the partitioning system and keep

below the current limits on any given partition. What are you trying to do

that goes beyond 10 million particles in a single source?

(I believe the 10 million restriction has been lifted in the 64-bit version

of Max 9, but I am not able to run it at this location to confirm.)

You can have an event with more than 10 million, so long as it if operating on more than one source. We've done this, but it wasn't terribly useful. Any inter-dependant particle operators, like Keep Apart are going to hate you at 10 million anyway.

At least here, max 9 64 bit is still limited to 10 megaparticles...

sorry aobut the repeats, n ot sure what I did.

I have a system that over the course of its life creates around 20 million parts total.

though at any 1 time no more than 800 thou.

when the total reached 10 mill no more parts would generated.

In this case there seemed no need for multiple caches as I had more than enough ram

I asked Oleg about this

he told me to use the following script.

$‘PF Source 01’.Particle_Amount_Limit = 20000000

run this in the listner once and raises the upper limit.

seems to work just fine.