Anyone have a suggestion for how to control density over time without a Lifespan Channel? I’m getting particles from Real Flow and they don’t have any concept of lifespan.
Anyone have a suggestion for how to control density over time without a Lifespan Channel? I’m getting particles from Real Flow and they don’t have any concept of lifespan.
I assume there are particles being born and some particles dying during the sim and you want to vary the density during their lifespan?
Since the realFlow particles have correct IDs as far as I remember (correct me if I am wrong), the Krakatoa PRT Loader Birth and Update should be able to load a sequence of BIN files as an animation into PFlow. There, I would assume the particles would get valid Age and Lifespan since they will be added/removed based on the IDs in the files vs. the IDs in the flow. Resaving that might give you a valid PRT sequence with Age and LifeSpan channels.
But I have not tried this myself and I am not sure if it will work. Try it out and let me know…
I suppose I could use magma and make the density gets less with particle age only?
If you have the age of the particle, just divide by a reasonable value and subtract the result from 1.0.
Then make sure the output of the subtraction is clamped between 0.0 and 1.0 because if the Age goes above the divisor, you will get a value > 1.0 and 1.0-that value will give you a negative density which looks very wrong when rendered.