I’m trying to load a realflow .bin particle sequence so I can use it with Krakatoa Build 4.
I’ve tried loading sequences in to particle flow using the new birth operator but can’t get it to work.
Does anyone have any advice?
Are you using both the birth and position operators?
Yes, I’ve tried using both. They don’t show up in the viewport or when I render
What version of realflow?
I’m using RealFlow 4.
I basically need a simple step by step process of how the .bin sequence is loaded in to particle flow. Exactly which pflow operators are needed (Krakatoa and standard pflow operators) and whether anything needs to be set in the Krakatoa renderer to get it working.
Thanks for your help.
The developers gave me a better description of the operators. At the
moment, Krakatoa does not do quite what you expected.
The Krakatoa Birth operator will load a specific file (ie. NOT A SEQUENCE)
at the time specified by emit start. The loaded particles will have the
position and velocity that were contained in the file. Particle Flow will
model the linear motion due to the velocity loaded into the particles as you
scrub the slider.
That said, we are working on a system that will load generic particle
sequences (.prt or.bin)