We are using .ass files & .vrscenes to render our shots.
We are also using path mapping.
However we found that if a .ass file reference an other .ass file, the last one is not path mapped.
Same with vrscene.
ex: z:/myRender.ass has to load z:/myStaticGeo.ass and mymyStaticGeo.ass contains a path starting with z:/ in it.
Is there a way to force Deadline to check path mapping in the files called by the renderer ?
Deadline can’t do that in the standalone application plugins like the Arnold plugin since all our path-mapping does is read in the .ass file and do a search and replace of the text inside.
If you run the render through one of the DCC application plugins like Maya we can use the dirmap command to perform path mapping, and if that command is able to remap referenced files then you’ll be in good shape. I don’t think dirmap works for this use case but my memory could be failing me.