Red Corner


We're trying Deadline for the first time and having some difficulty.

We've submitted a test file from the MaxScript interface (and ran the Sanity Check before doing so) and, while the file and servers appear in the Monitor, it doesn't seem to want to start rendering and the servers remain idle.  Also, the Max Icon is displayed with a red lower right corner.

Any ideas?


Hey Geoff! Glad to see you are trying out Deadline!

The red corner only means that you will get a notification when the job is done. So it is not a red flag meaning something bad. (The job itself will turn red if it contains only failed tasks or dark red if it fails after a predefined number of errors which defaults to 100).

When you submitted, you specified a pool to submit to.

Are you sure your have any slaves assigned to that pool?



Ah, I see that the red corner means that it’s gonna notify me when the job was done. Kinda looked like danger to me.  Anyway, I’m still curious about the not-rendering part.

There are a couple of us working on this and the other is disrtacted.  How do I assign a node to a pool?  I had it set to the 3DS Max pool…

Nevermind  I found it.  :slight_smile:

Hmmm… Now that I have the pool thing all worked out it’s still not rendering.

Ok, nevermind again, we’re good.  Just crankin’ away now. :smiley: