[REDSHIFT][HOUDINI] Anyone used the Houdini Redshift Plugin in Deadline 8.1 yet?

Hi there,

We’re getting some nice looking locally generated results using the Houdini Redshift plugin and wanted to know if you’ve had any users successfully use it with Deadline 8.1 yet?

We expect it to be reasonably straightforward to get working here but thought it’d be worth checking in with the hive before we do in case there’s anything to watch out for or has been done. Anything documented with regards to the Houdini Redshift plugin and Deadline yet?


Hey Jamie,

In 8.1 beta 3 (forums.thinkboxsoftware.com/vie … 09&t=14617), we made the necessary updates to support Redshift in Houdini. As of now, there are no known issues, but definitely let us know if you run into any problems!
