We have a workstation with 3 graphics cards running 3 Deadline workers. We are using C4D + Redshift and are seeing something, perhaps naively, unexpected.
When rendering on the farm, the machine is pulling 1 C4D cli license, but is pulling 3 redshift floating licenses.
Contacted Maxon who sounded as confused as we were. The Redshift license server is showing separate PIDs for each worker/license and doesn’t seem to acknowledge it’s the same machine. Does anyone know if we have made a set up mistake or is this what should be happening?
Don’t know if it’s clear from the image but the green ringed licences are all being pulled to the same host. Concurrently the C4D server is only pulling one to that machine. Have emailed them again to see if they know why that’s happening but was just wondering if anyone else had come across this
is it actually using 3x licenses though? or just reporting that three instances are in use? I think it does report this on the multicard / multi worker set-ups, but it is actually only taking 1 license as the license is per host rather than per card / instance
The license count on the previous page on the RLM server says 10 but… it can use more. Seems I panicked a little when I saw 10 checked out. The count is wrong but it’s behaving correctly, the ‘3’ are behaving as one… Thanks for the help