Redshift won't load our OCIO


I can’t seem to get standalone Redshift jobs to load up our OCIO… it still tries to load the one that is shipped with Redshift…

See here:

2021-11-15 15:41:43:  0: STDOUT: Loading OCIO config using \\server\3d_share\houdini\redshift\redshift_v3.0.59\Data\OCIO\config.ocio
2021-11-15 15:41:43:  0: STDOUT: 	OCIO env var defined. Using it instead
2021-11-15 15:41:43:  0: STDOUT: 	Full path: \\server\3d_share\OCIO\aces_1.0.3\config.ocio
2021-11-15 15:41:43:  0: STDOUT: 	Ok
2021-11-15 15:41:43:  0: STDOUT: Creating OCIO processors between rendering and view/srgb spaces
2021-11-15 15:41:43:  0: STDOUT: 	Rendering space: ACEScg
2021-11-15 15:41:43:  0: STDOUT: 	Display: sRGB
2021-11-15 15:41:43:  0: STDOUT: 	View: ACES 1.0 SDR-video
2021-11-15 15:41:43:  0: STDOUT: Failed to get ACEScg -> ACES 1.0 SDR-video (sRGB) processor from OpenColorIO config
2021-11-15 15:41:43:  0: STDOUT: 	ocio exception: DisplayViewTransform error. Display 'sRGB' not found.
2021-11-15 15:41:43:  0: STDOUT: 	Failed to create rendering to display/view processor! Aborting render!
2021-11-15 15:41:46:  0: STDOUT: Loading OCIO color space transforms for texture sampling
2021-11-15 15:41:46:  0: STDOUT: 	Found a suitable sRGB color space: "Input - Generic - sRGB - Texture"
2021-11-15 15:41:46:  0: STDOUT: 	Found a suitable sRGB-linear color space: "Utility - Linear - Rec.709"
2021-11-15 15:41:46:  0: STDOUT: Failed to get ACEScg -> ACES 1.0 SDR-video (sRGB) processor from OpenColorIO config
2021-11-15 15:41:46:  0: STDOUT: 	ocio exception: DisplayViewTransform error. Display 'sRGB' not found.
2021-11-15 15:41:47:  0: STDOUT: PostFX shut down

The “ACES 1.0 SDR-video” view is the view that comes with Redshift and we don’t use that one at all, so I don’t know why the Redshift plugin in Deadline was initially trying to use it… We have the OCIO variable set in our Houdini.env which points to \server\3d_share\OCIO\aces_1.0.3\config.ocio (which doesn’t have that view, hence the error), yet by the time it gets to the renderfarm, it seems to have expected to use the one from the Redshift repository and only changing to the custom one when it notices the OCIO variable but yeah, something is still hard coded, so it fails…


This was resolved. So the cause was the environment not of the Redshift job, but that of the Houdini job which first ran to generate the .rs files. That job didn’t have the OCIO variable set.


Can you give us some direction how to avoid this problem please? Peter Thanks

I just wanted to add to this thread since we ran just recently into this situation, and this original post helped to figure out what was going on. We had similar output from the RS standalone render, and the initial Houdini job (exporting the rs files) was the issue.

Houdini 19.5.303 and RS 3.5.08 with DL

Render successful:
Initial Houdini job: The render nodes exporting the rs files had OCIO set via houdini packages (e.g. ocio.json).

Render failed:
Initial Houdini job: One of the older render nodes had an OCIO environment variable in addition to the houdini packages ocio.json file. Both had the same key = value. For some reason, on that older node RS seems to have ignored (or been confused by) both the OCIO env var and ocio.json and instead chose its default Redshift config.ocio

Once I deleted the OCIO env var on that older render node (and rebooted), Houdini exported out the rs file with the correct ocio path and subsequently the rs files rendered successfully.