Hey Krakatoans -
It would be great to be able to have a reflection strength per particle control. Perhaps I’m just missing something, but I was unable to find anything other than global controls for this feature… any input is appreciated!
Hey Krakatoans -
It would be great to be able to have a reflection strength per particle control. Perhaps I’m just missing something, but I was unable to find anything other than global controls for this feature… any input is appreciated!
Currently, there is no direct way to control the Reflection Strength per particle.
Since the reflection in the Krakatoa Material is a form of additional lighting (Emission channel), you could hack your way around it.
Basically you have to save your particles to a PRT sequence including the Emission channel, then load in a PRT Loader and use Magma to manipulate the Emission channel to produce more or less reflection, then light and render these particles.
But this is quite convoluted, so I will add this to the wishlist. When implemented, support for a ReflectionStrength per-particle channel will be added.
Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks, that’s something i missed today .
Sweet - thanks Bobo!