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I am trying to learn more about the compositing workflow using Krakatoa but I’m curious to know if reflections are doable at all. I ran across this link … eflections for raytraced reflections. I know the C4d version is limited at the current version but is this workflow achievable using texture channels (which I’m still wrapping my head around) or should I try to fake reflections in AE? I am loving Krakatoa so far but I just need to get the cobwebs out of my head and start actually learning how to use it properly. :slight_smile:

The link you posted is applicable to Krakatoa MX only.

Krakatoa C4D is currently missing three major components that KMX has - rendering environment reflections (cubic/sphere mapping lookup using the partice’s normal), rendering raytraced reflections (actually calling another renderer to acquire the reflection color incl. multiple ray bounces), and environment (a.k.a. atmosphefic) effects rendering (a spacial module of KMX that lets other renderers like V-Ray or the default Scanline renderer of 3ds Max render Krakatoa particles as voxels using ray marching).

FYI, the Krakatoa MY implementation for Maya also lacks all these components due to some Maya API limitations, although we could probably get Environment Reflections working. I have successfully implemented them using Magma channel operations in KMY, so it is quite straight-forward.

In Krakatoa C4D, you might be able to fake some reflections using Camera Projections (rendering actual solid geometry in another renderer, then reprojecting that onto particles), but it isn’t exactly the same thing…

Aha, I kind of figured this would be the case but I thought I should at least ask in case I was missing something. :slight_smile: It isn’t a huge issue though for my workflow since even prior to Krakatoa I wasn’t really doing things with big reflections with X-Particles anyway. Thanks for the info!

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