Regarding Meshing/SDK access to PRT loaders


any chance we’ll see any of the options mentioned here … =22&t=2355

on the betas ?

Just wondering.


An Interface for reading data from PRT files in on our ToDo list. It would be needed for the KCM/KCE Debug mode to acquire actual Channel Input node data for a specific particle, so we were discussing its addition last Friday. Cannot tell you whether it will be in Beta 6 or later though. We have a long list of missing things to add like Absorption/Emission support in Particle mode, Absorption/Emission data acquisition from Standard Materials, Global KCM support, direct KCM support for GeoVolumes and possibly Geometry Vertices and so on.
Stay tuned.

Great :slight_smile: Looking forward to all of these. Was just wondering as we’re in the progress of doing several realflow things and it might be mighty handy.

Kind Regards,