Congrats to the Frantic team on Krakatoa, I just saw the link to Thank you for your hard work, and see you in San Diego.
- Chad
Congrats to the Frantic team on Krakatoa, I just saw the link to Thank you for your hard work, and see you in San Diego.
Indeed, congratulations, Frantic!
Congrats from Germany too!
Such a pitty that my visa arrived to late to be there in person this year ;-( but i already know someone who will buy it in my name
kind regards,
yes congrats!
Very nice tool… Hope that pushs development of pflow too.
Congrates Frantic and krakatoa team. <— WebSite
Thanks guys!
Just a note that we just finished a very successful Siggraph 2007 without a single crash during the presentations. Still, we know of two defects which are already fixed and the downloadable version will be updated on Monday.
(If you can find both before Monday, you could win a free Krakatoa license ;o)
Thanks to everyone who helped us get this far by reporting bugs or pushing us to implement additional features. We are already planning the next updates and long term development roadmaps and feel you will be pleased with the future updates…
Cheers from San Diego!
Bobo and the Frantic team
The release version requires a different license. Is that what you refer to, or is there a different beta? The beta 20 link is no longer there.
The release version requires a
different license. Is that
what you refer to, or is there
a different beta? The beta 20
link is no longer there.
The build we intended to post as Beta 20 became a 1.0.0 just before we left for Siggraph. The build we were demoing on was 3 days newer than what was online and contained a couple of fixes already.
We are preparing a 1.0.1 release today or tomorrow which will include those changes plus some new features…