remote commands freeze monitor

Whenever i send remote commands (restart slave etc) to machines, the GUI freezes up or becomes very slow. Closing the remote command window seems to help, but it pops up every time you send a new command

Hey Laszlo,

Are you seeing any errors or warnings in the Console or the Background Operations panels when this slowdown occurs?

No, no errors or anything logged there. And if i close the ‘remote commands’ panel, it becomes quick. Its somehow the remote commands panel itself that locks up the entire UI. Maybe it pools for the results too often, not sure. But it makes the monitor very very slow and unresponsive (all panels)

There are about ~1000 past commands in there (from the last 1-2 days), most succeeded, some failed. Not sure if that affects it at all though (i would not expect it to), but if then i send a ‘restart slave’ command to ~20 slaves, the entire gui comes to a halt. Funnily enough, if i look at the “Background operations” panel, i see that its already finished, while the “remote commands” panel is still saying “running” for a lot of the jobs. If i close and then reopen that panel, it shows “completed” for all.

If you clear completed commands in the remote commands panel does that have any effect?

Woa it took 15 seconds to do that. And i saw the commands getting erased 20-50 at time. Almost as if it was logging it to mongo or something.

But yeah, it seems to be much faster after its cleared. Something is wrong with the GUI updating there… seems like maybe its updating all 1000+ entries, even if there are only 5-10 slaves with actually active commands running, and maybe does the updating way too often.

Thanks for checking that! We’ll look into it.