Can you send us the most recent Launcher log from a machine that is giving you this error when you try to send a remote command to it? Note that it needs to be from the remote machine, not the machine that you’re sending the remote command from. That log shows whether the Launcher thinks that Remote Administration is on or off. If it thinks it’s off, hopefully the log will explain why.
2013-04-02 14:39:24: BEGIN - LAPRO0113\ScanlineVFX
2013-04-02 14:39:24: has connected
2013-04-02 14:39:24: Launcher Thread - Received command: ForceRelaunchSlave LAPRO0113
2013-04-02 14:39:24: Launcher Thread - Responded with: Failure: cannot accept a connection because Remote Administration has been disabled under the Launcher Settings in the Repository Options
2013-04-02 14:39:42: WARNING: An error occurred while trying to obtain user’s access level for Launcher Features; falling back on default access level
2013-04-02 14:39:42: WARNING: An error occurred while trying to obtain user’s access level for Launcher Features; falling back on default access level
2013-04-02 14:39:42: WARNING: An error occurred while trying to obtain user’s access level for Launcher Features; falling back on default access level
Note that what i noticed on this particular machine, is that it lost its access to the deadline repository (username/password was not set appropriately). Is it checking this setting from the repo, or the db?
That would explain it. The Launcher gets it’s DB connection settings from the repository, so if it can’t connect to the repository when it starts up, then it won’t connect to the DB, and thus won’t be able to pull down any settings. When it can’t get the settings, it falls back to the default, where Remote Administration is disabled.