Remove Worker (Delete) from Worker List

I did a search for this, but didn’t come up with an answer…

I would like to remove one of the Worker machines from being on the Worker List, but at the same time, I would like to use Monitor on that same machine to see how the farm is doing.

Each time I delete the machine from the Worker List, it appears again after a minute or so. I am thinking that this is because the machine has “deadline10launcherservice” running, which keeps starting up the worker (slave) .exe

I tried looking for a way to remove this service, but couldn’t find anything.

Is there a way to remove a machine from the Workers list, but still be able to use Monitor from that same machine?

Thanks for any help!


Have you tried just stopping and disabling the “deadline10launcherservice” after deleting the machine from the worker list?

Um, you wrote “exe” so I’m assuming windows… in powershell (as admin user) on the machine you have removed from the list:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Stop-Service -name "deadline10launcherservice"
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Set-Service -name "deadline10launcherservice" -StartupType Disabled

This is what I have config’d on my vmguest so I can monitor, but not participate in rendering.


This did the trick! For some reason, the commands you provided didn’t work on my machine. Instead, I used the Windows Services application to adjust the status of deadline10launcherservice.

All is good, now! I can monitor the farm without issues, and the machine doesn’t keep spooling itself up on Deadline any-longer.

Thanks very much for your help!

Hmm… seems like the worker auto-spooled up again. deadline10launcher service has been Disabled on the Services application, and Stopped on Task Manager > Services. But the node still seems to run its worker.

Maybe I need to uninstall Deadline Client from the machine, then install again without Deadline as a service? That way, I can manually spool the node up or not?

Just so if anyone with this same issue wants to know what I did, I uninstalled Deadline Client from the machine, then re-installed it; this time, without checking Install Launcher as a Service. I can now control whether the machine participates in rendering by starting up the Worker app. If I don’t want the machine to render, I just don’t start the Worker app.