Rename frame after rendering complete

Hi guys,

my first post. Yay! Unfortunately it is already a question.
I would like to write a post task script that renames my rendered frame. The rendering happens in 3ds max.
Is it possible to get the rendered tasks frame number?
My idea was to get the filename with the dashes from the job file. Together with the frame number i have the file/files that were really rendered by the current task. Then I rename the file.

I do not want to do this as an post job task because all the frames have to be completed before he begins renaming. Would be nice to have the rendering and renaming of one frame as one task.

I hope I explained everything well enough. I am looking forward to your answer.



Hi Sebastian,

You should be able to use the GetStartFrame() and GetEndFrame() functions to get the frame range for the task: … _Functions


  • Ryan