render complete but no saved files

We used deadline 3 for a long time, and it worked fine with mental ray.
But 6 month ago we switched to 3delight for Maya.Using 3delight and deadline we delivered couple of projects with a lot of fur rendering and everything went smooth! But after a while network render started to give weird problems.
For example, I start network render, deadline shows that frames are rendered and than successfully completed, but I don’t find any saved files on the server. (note: it happens randomly)
I tried to use MayaCmd and MayaBatch, but still some maya scenes are not rendered properly. Often random slaves cant launch MayaBatch.exe, so no rendering happen.
How can I fix this??? May be there is a problem with our network? Recently due to change of internet provider we have changed IP adresses, before they used to be 172.18.58.X and now they are 192.168.1.X. note: local network works fine.
Please HELP!

P.S I’ve tried new version of Deadline on two slaves, and I get those slaves stolled every 1-2 minute, and test network render was realy slow…

Hi MonteNero,

are the tasks marked as completed instantly or do they take their time as if they really render? We had a similar issue with C4D, I ll try remember the solution as it was a long time ago.
Did you look up the slave log to see if there are problems with writing the files? Do these issues occur without 3delight either? Did you try to change the IPs back to the old ones?
Is there an error reported when the slaves can’t launch MayaBatch.exe? Do they manage to unqueue the job or does the issue start here already?
One more question to go :slight_smile:
Regarding DL5, was the slaves’ render process slow or seemed the network itself to slow down? Latter might be caused by not using Pulse.

Best regards,

To debug this problem, you should stick with using MayaCmd for now, since it just uses Maya’s command line renderer. The next time a task is marked as complete but no frames were produced, right-click on the task in the Monitor and select Task Reports -> View Task Reports. Post the log and we’ll see if anything stands out. It could be possible that the renderer is printing out an error that Deadline isn’t aware of, but still returns a non-zero exit code which indicates success. If this is the case, we would just need to tweak the plugin to watch for this error.

All of Dziga’s questions are good ones too. The more information you provide, the better! :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Hi, thanks for your replays!
Here are the answers for your questions:
1 We can’t change our IP’s because internet services wont work. (Dont think it is a network,beacause some renders go fine)
2 Complete tasks take their proper time to render, but no saved files. No errors.
3 Recently we gave up with the idea to use MayaBatch, but problems are still there.
4 We dont use Pulse, cause we have around 6 render PC’s, and network load is around 20% percent at it’s maximum.

Sorry can’t post the log about not saved files, cause we finished rendering them locally on workstations week ago :frowning:
But still I can post a log about another very common problem

0: Task timeout is disabled. 0: Loaded job: snake shot 05 beauty (999_050_000_3f13f5be) 0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin MayaCmd 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex "Usage: Render .*" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex "Finished Rendering.*\.([0-9]+)\.[^\.]+" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex ".*Finished Rendering.*" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex "Constructing shading groups|Rendering current frame" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex "\[PROGRESS\] ([0-9]+) percent" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex "progr: +([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)% +rendered" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex "progr: +([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)% +computing final gather points" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex "progr: +rendering finished" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex "\[PROGRESS\] Completed frame*" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex ".*\[PROGRESS\] TURTLE rendering frame 100\.00.*" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex ".*Render complete.*" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex "\[PROGRESS\] Percentage of rendering done: (.*)" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex ".*\[PROGRESS\] TURTLE rendering frame ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*" 0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex ".*RIMG : +([0-9]+)%" 0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex ".*entry point.*" 0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex ".*Entry Point.*" 0: INFO: About: Maya Cmd Plugin for Deadline 0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1 0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True 0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True 0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True 0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True 0: INFO: Creating New Console: False 0: INFO: Enforcing 64 bit build of Maya 0: INFO: Render Executable: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2009\bin\Render.exe" 0: INFO: Rendering to network drive 0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2009.0 0: INFO: Render Argument: -r 3delight -cpus 0 -x 2048 -y 1152 -s 1 -e 1 -inc 1 -proj "S:/PROJECTS/Baha n Taha/3D/Snake/maya" "S:\PROJECTS\Baha n Taha\3D\Snake\maya\scenes\snake_shot05\snake_shot05_v12.mb" 0: INFO: Startup Directory: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2009\bin" 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal 0: INFO: Process is now running 0: STDOUT: 0: STDOUT: Starting "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2009\bin\mayabatch.exe"

After the message 0: STDOUT: Starting "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2009\bin\mayabatch.exe there is only silence. Here is a screenshot

That’s cool. If it happens again though, just post the logs and we’ll take a look!

That’s weird. The first thing we should do is determine if this is a Deadline problem, since Deadline is just launching a command line render in this case. To do this, open a command prompt on an i7 and run this command:

"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2009\bin\Render.exe" -r 3delight -cpus 0 -x 2048 -y 1152 -s 1 -e 1 -inc 1 -proj "S:/PROJECTS/Baha n Taha/3D/Snake/maya" "S:\PROJECTS\Baha n Taha\3D\Snake\maya\scenes\snake_shot05\snake_shot05_v12.mb"

This is the exact same command Deadline ran in the log you posted. If this hangs in a command prompt outside of Deadline, then at the very least we can take Deadline out of the equation.


  • Ryan

ok. I’ve tried to launch it via cmd, as you said.
This is what cmd printed out.

Starting "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2009\bin\mayabatch.exe and silence again…
I guess it is not Deadline…

I know, it is out of your scope question, but do you have any ideas how I can fix it?
Thanks for your help guys :wink:

Can you confirm if the problem only occurs when 3delight is the selected renderer? If it’s specific to 3delight, it’s probably best to contact their support team to see if they have any ideas.


  • Ryan

Does mayabatch.exe start as a process and hangs up if you look it up in the task manager or doesn’t it even launch mayabatch.exe?

Best regards,

I can see it in Task Manager, but CPU column is 00…