Render Elements not saving - Randomly...?

Hi all,

we’re new to deadline and for some reason, on occasion our render elements don’t save out? it might happen one in every 20 render jobs but its quite odd… if i re-open the file everything is as it should be… and in most cases simply re-sending the job works, but i’m wondering if anyone else has had this issue and if there is a resolution for it…?

we’re using 3ds Max 2016 and VRay 3.5.04


I do have a case in the support system in Maya where the tokens don’t seem to be working. Not sure if this is related at all.

Can you send a task that worked and a task that didn’t? I’d just like to compare side-by-side. Also, to work around it you can tell Deadline to reload the plugin between tasks. That’ll require Max to be restarted between tasks, but might work around things if it’s a state problem inside V-Ray. Basically turns everything off and on again between tasks. There’s also an option in the SMTD to restart the renderer. That’s less heavy.