AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Render error in houdini when running as service

Hi. Attempting to switch some nodes here over to running the client as a service .
All runs fine in the GUI, submitter plugin loads and submits fine. However I get the following error (at end of message) when attempting to render on the farm. Note I redacted the machine name, user name and scene name from the paths in the log as we have NDAs a plenty here.

Tried a total blitz of the user folder that the service is running in but to no avail.

Any help appreciated!

Error: Global job preload script 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\[MACHINE-NAME]\plugins\661e93f7923259de453bc7b6\': name 'RepositoryUtils' is not defined (FranticX.Scripting.PythonNetException)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\[MACHINE-NAME]\plugins\661e93f7923259de453bc7b6\", line 11, in __main__
    autocpenv = RepositoryUtils.GetEventPluginDirectory('autocpenv')
   at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowLastAsClrException() in C:\thinkbox-conda\conda-bld\dotnet_pythonnet_1709944764012\work\src\runtime\PythonException.cs:line 53
   at Python.Runtime.PyObject.Invoke(PyObject[] args) in C:\thinkbox-conda\conda-bld\dotnet_pythonnet_1709944764012\work\src\runtime\PythonTypes\PyObject.cs:line 750
   at Python.Runtime.PyObject.InvokeMethod(String name, PyObject[] args) in C:\thinkbox-conda\conda-bld\dotnet_pythonnet_1709944764012\work\src\runtime\PythonTypes\PyObject.cs:line 818
   at FranticX.Scripting.PythonNetScriptEngine.CallFunction(String moduleName, String functionName, Object[] args)
   at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.d()
   at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.StartJob(String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)


Stack Trace
   at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.d(DeadlineMessage bgu, CancellationToken bgv)
   at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.StartJob(Job job, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.c(TaskLogWriter ajz, CancellationToken aka)

2024-04-16 16:37:57:  0: Render Thread - Render State transition from = 'ReceivedTask' to = 'Other'
2024-04-16 16:37:57:  0: Loading Job's Plugin timeout is Disabled
2024-04-16 16:37:57:  0: SandboxedPlugin: Render Job As User disabled, running as current user '[USER-NAME]'
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: Loaded plugin Houdini
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: Executing plugin command of type 'Initialize Plugin'
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: INFO: Executing plugin script 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\[MACHINE-NAME]\plugins\661e93f7923259de453bc7b6\'
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: INFO: Plugin execution sandbox using Python version 3
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: INFO: About: Houdini Plugin for Deadline
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: INFO: The job's environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Initialize Plugin'
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: Start Job timeout is disabled.
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: Task timeout is disabled.
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: Loaded job: [HOUDINI-SCENE-NAME] - /out/Redshift_ROP1 (661e93f7923259de453bc7b6)
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: Executing plugin command of type 'Start Job'
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: DEBUG: S3BackedCache Client is not installed.
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: INFO: Executing global asset transfer preload script 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\[MACHINE-NAME]\plugins\661e93f7923259de453bc7b6\'
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer...
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) File Transfer controller in C:/Program Files/Thinkbox/S3BackedCache/bin/
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: INFO: Could not find legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer.
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: INFO: Legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer is not installed on the system.
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: INFO: Executing global job preload script 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\[MACHINE-NAME]\plugins\661e93f7923259de453bc7b6\'
2024-04-16 16:37:59:  0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Start Job'

Date: 04/16/2024 16:38:04
Frames: 1002
Elapsed Time: 00:00:00:06
Job Submit Date: 04/16/2024 16:06:31
Job User: richardc
Average RAM Usage: 14941450240 (11%)
Peak RAM Usage: 14941450240 (11%)
Average CPU Usage: 5%
Peak CPU Usage: 11%
Used CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 14231
Total CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 284601

Worker Information
Worker Name: [MACHINE-NAME]
Version: v10.3.2.1 Release (1a66fe40f)
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
Running As Service: Yes
Machine User: [USER-NAME]
IP Address:
MAC Address: E0:4F:43:E6:57:AD
CPU Architecture: x64
CPUs: 32
CPU Usage: 4%
Memory Usage: 13.9 GB / 127.9 GB (10%)
Free Disk Space: 1.256 TB (415.010 GB on C:\, 870.947 GB on S:\)
Video Card: NVIDIA RTX A4000

To add some further data, this seems to be an error, service or otherwise with the latest version,

Rolling back to fixed it all back up.

You need to from Deadline.Scripting import RepositoryUtils


Thanks, I’ll give that a go.

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