Ryan Russell
We have encountered another rendering problem with Deadline. When I render this file even back to only my own machine through Deadline; I get blurred jumping frames. It is as if I were in the middle of the point cached flag, and it is wiping all around this new point of view. Obviously it renders fine not through Deadline. No VRay Physical Camera. I believe these rendered fine last year with Max 2009.
Geoff Hull
FOX Sports
images.zip (1.18 MB)
Thanks for posting the scene. What I’m initially trying to do is open the scene in Max, change it’s output path to something local on my machine, and then render out a few frames. However, when I go to render, Max pops up a black frame buffer, and then nothing else happens. Nothing is saved out, so it’s not like Max is just rendering black frames.
Am I missing something? Do I need to configure something in the scene before it will render?
I switched to scanline, and that rendered out frames, but they were black…
There should be the point cache that needs to be connected or pointed to, and two textures an hdri and a flag texture and bump. Does the file look right when you open it? Make sure the Point Cache is set to custom range 95 to 205. I was able to open and render the file I sent you no problem. I am re uploading uncompreesed files for Max and point cache.
New development. We set up back burner on the render farm, and the same issues came up, so it may be something inherent in the file. It did come from out of house. Why it would work on our liscensed machines and not on render nodes I do not know.
Geoff Hull
Fox Sports
Yeah, that is strange. It could be that the problem only occurs when Max is running in slave mode, which is the case with Backburner, and is the default mode when rendering through Deadline. One thing you could try with Deadline is rendering it in workstation mode, which you can enable under the Render tab in the max submission window. Note though that this requires a full workstation license on each machine that you’re rendering on, so for initial testing, you might just want to try rendering it with Deadline on your workstation only.
It would be interesting to see if the scene works in workstation mode, as this is pretty much the same as opening it up on your workstation and rendering that way.
I have tried rendering the file on our liscenced workstaions, through Deadline, and they all produce the odd results. I can how ever render on the workstations directly, as individual renders, and their is no problem. very odd.
Geoff Hull
Fox Sports
Hi Geoff,
Just to confirm, when you say the following…
Is this with the “Force Workstation Mode” option enabled under the Render tab in the max submission window? Just want to make sure because if you were to render on your licensed workstations with this option disabled, 3dsmax would still run in slave mode.
Had hoped that Deadline 4.0 would solve this problem. However it is stil an issue. Even when i force ‘workstation’ mode and slave it thru my machine, i still get the same problem of crazy frames being rendered. I have also tried rendering back thru to my machine not forcing ‘workstation’ mode, and I still get the same results. jumpy fragmented frames. the camera is standard and not locked in the render dialog box. Any ideas?
Geoff Hull
Fox Sports
Hey Geoff,
I had to re-read this thread to refresh my memory, and I noticed you had tried the same scene with backburner and got the exact same results. It appears that the problem is specific to these scene files, and if forcing workstation mode didn’t help, then unfortunately there really isn’t much we can do from Deadline’s end to workaround the problem.
I think the best approach at this point would be to figure out what in the scene is causing these problems. Maybe it’s a specific object or plugin that is being used. You could try stripping things out of the scene until you get it down to something that actually renders as expected, and by the process of elimination figure out what is causing the problem. Maybe also check for any pre/post render maxscripts that are defined for the scene.
Thanks, for catching this ancient post. The files came from someone that did the cloth sims for TigerHare, years ago. There is not much in the scene but a point cache, an animated bend, attached to 2 dummies. But I will look around a test some frames with various elements removed. Thanks again. Love Deadline, only wish you could set it up for Cinema 4D and the Mac
Geoff Hull
Fox Sports
Hi Geoff,
Deadline does support C4D on the mac. The only thing not supported for the mac version is the integrated submission script (due to limitations with C4D’s scripting language). You can still submit C4D jobs from the Submit menu in the Monitor though.