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Render Jobs as User / plugin sandbox error

Hi all,

After turning on the “Render Jobs as User” User Security setting, I am the same error across several workers that say:

Failed to load the plugin because: Could not initialize the plugin sandbox (Deadline.Plugins.PluginException)

The full traceback is:

Failed to load the plugin because: Could not initialize the plugin sandbox (Deadline.Plugins.PluginException)


Stack Trace
   at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.e(String ajx, Job ajy, CancellationToken ajz)
   at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.b(TaskLogWriter ajt, CancellationToken aju)

2024-02-07 15:14:14:  0: Render Thread - Render State transition from = 'ReceivedTask' to = 'Other'
2024-02-07 15:14:14:  0: Plugin will be reloaded because a new job has been loaded.
2024-02-07 15:14:14:  0: Loading Job's Plugin timeout is Disabled
2024-02-07 15:14:14:  0: SandboxedPlugin: Render Job As User enabled, running as user 'bryce.gattis', which is defined in the User Settings for this job's user

We are currently running Deadline Version: Release.
The above message is appearing on our Windows Deadline client machines.

I do already have “Worker Verbose Logging” enabled as well.

How do I go about diagnosing this error?

If you check the deadlineslave log in C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs around this time what do you see? A couple things can cause a failure to start the sandbox and that should help us see what’s going on in your case.

The ‘render as user’ feature on Windows is problematic, so I’m pretty sure it’s the troublemaker here.

Is it possible to turn off the “render as user” feature only on Windows clients?

This is the same issue as I’m having in the thread I authored last week, and yes, I have “render as user” enabled.

I haven’t tried disabling that feature, for fear that the rendering process will no longer know how to properly permission the rendered output.

Justin, perhaps you can answer this: if “render as user” is disabled, who owns the rendered output, if not the user who submitted the job?

If you’ve got ‘render as user’ turned off, then whatever user is currently running the Deadline Worker will own the output, as that user will be used to run the render application.

So for example if you’ve got the Deadline Worker running under the deadline-user system user and you run a Nuke job, the output files will be created by deadline-user. This’ll likely be an issue if your input and output paths are tightly coupled to users, where only Billy the artist is able to read their own scene files.

I’ll give that a try - thank you, Justin.

Interesting developments… after unchecking “render as user” now renders sent to both Linux and Windows renderfarm clients fail in the same way:

We’re using Arnold as the renderer, out of Maya, and the Arnold license data cannot be read. I don’t think the location of the Arnold license server is being passed to Maya when the render starts.

Can I add something like this to the “deadline.ini” file:

or is there another way to do this?


After looking at the deadlineslave log in C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs, I do see the following output:

2024-02-09 13:34:31:  0: SandboxedPlugin: Render Job As User enabled, running as user 'bryce.gattis', which is defined in the User Settings for this job's user
2024-02-09 13:34:31:  ERROR: Encountered the following error while initializing the Plugin Sandbox: 'Error starting "C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin\deadlinesandbox.exe" for user "bryce.gattis" in "C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin" : The stub received bad data.
2024-02-09 13:34:31:  '.
2024-02-09 13:34:31:   Cannot render the current job [ID:"65c2a75e2546958f5b5a61bf" / Name:"Publish: Common Pre-Publish"]. Contact Thinkbox Support for more information.
2024-02-09 13:34:32:  ERROR: 0: An exception occurred: Failed to load the plugin because: Could not initialize the plugin sandbox (Deadline.Plugins.PluginException) (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  0: Render Thread - Render State transition from = 'Other' to = 'WaitingForTask'
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw a major error: 
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  Exception Details
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  RenderPluginException -- Failed to load the plugin because: Could not initialize the plugin sandbox (Deadline.Plugins.PluginException)
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  RenderPluginException.Cause: PluginLoadError (0)
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  RenderPluginException.Level: Major (1)
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  RenderPluginException.HasSlaveLog: True
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  RenderPluginException.SlaveLogFileName: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs\deadlineslave_renderthread_0-RWS-2021-008-0000.log
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  Exception.TargetSite: Boolean e(System.String, Deadline.Jobs.Job, System.Threading.CancellationToken)
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  Exception.Data: ( )
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  Exception.Source: deadline
2024-02-09 13:34:33:  Exception.HResult: -2146233088
2024-02-09 13:34:33:    Exception.StackTrace: 
2024-02-09 13:34:33:     at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.e(String ajx, Job ajy, CancellationToken ajz)
2024-02-09 13:34:33:     at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.b(TaskLogWriter ajt, CancellationToken aju)

Of particular note seems to be:
2024-02-09 13:34:31: ERROR: Encountered the following error while initializing the Plugin Sandbox: 'Error starting "C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin\deadlinesandbox.exe" for user "bryce.gattis" in "C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin" : The stub received bad data.

Any idea what this means?

Bryce, do you have “Render As User” checked? When I had it checked, that’s what I saw when rendering on Windows clients.


Yes I have the “Render Jobs As User” setting turned on. I’m just trying to figure out why I’m getting these specific errors when turning it on though.

Justin replied in the ticket I had started - Problem Rendering with Windows Renderfarm Client - with this:

Have you got ‘render as user’ enabled? This is a known problem using the Render Jobs as User setting on Windows. When impersonating the submitting user, the Deadline Worker does not update the temporary directory in the environment. It is suspected that the application tries to access the temp directory but gets permission or file-system errors. We have seen this on 3DS Max, After Effects and Nuke.

This can also happen if the “Render As User” (or possibly another field) is left blank in the users’ settings in Tools → “Manage Users”.


Is there any way we could get the additional troubleshooting that Stephen mentioned added to the existing “Render Jobs as Job User” section of the documentation? It would be great to be able to look there and see specific errors you may see on your jobs and their corresponding cause.

Good idea! I’ll see about adding a ‘Troubleshooting’ section to that page. As usual, I can’t say anything about where in the roadmap that would be however.

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