Render Plugin Exception

I haven’t been able to solve the problem with the Houdini render for a long time. I’ve tried several recent versions of deadline, the problem remains. I am attaching… I saw some information that this is related to Python versions. Can you please clarify how to solve this problem?

—Here is a main message----
Failed to load the plugin because: Could not initialize the plugin sandbox (Deadline.Plugins.PluginException)
Stack Trace
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.e(String akb, Job akc, CancellationToken akd)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.b(TaskLogWriter ajx, CancellationToken ajy)
. (940 Bytes)

Check out the deadlineslave log on that computer, failing to fire up the plugin sandbox should have an error in that log.

The logs will be on the machine in C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs. Share a zip of them if it’s not clear what’s going on there.

Here: (14.7 KB)

Can you suggest a solution to the problem?

This is usually caused by the Worker failing to pull the application plugin files. What’s the plugin you’re running here?

Based on the name it’s something from SideFX - make sure the files in DeadlineRepository10/plugins/Houdini are readable.

And if this is PDG, you’ll need to check the job’s plugin info by double clicking the job in the Monitor and going to Submission Params. In the Plugin Info column there’ll be something about a CustomPlugin directory. Make sure that’s correct on the machines running the render and is accessible.

To be honest, I don’t quite understand what to do.
I render from Houdini (Houdini is SideFX - right) and use Redshift.
For the purity of the experiment, I removed all the plugins for loading into Houdini and left only the *.json with a link to Deadline and to Redshift. The result is the same. Deadline writes the same message as before.
Failed to load the plugin because: Could not initialize the plugin sandbox (Deadline.Plugins.PluginException)
I did not install any special plugins.
I also reinstalled Dealline again from scratch.
Same message.
I am sending you Job parameters.

Submission (608 Bytes)

All I added was the installation of the Patch for Houdini 20, which is discussed here. But before installing the Patch, the result was the same, I checked.

Which plugin should Deadline to read? Deadline sees the submitter and starts the Job. What should Deadline to see? Could this be a problem with Redshift?
To check, I tried to run the render with Mantra. The same message is an error.

Did you check this post? The person had a similar error output and had to disable “Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support” settings in Windows.



Surprisingly, Deadline worked! Thank you!
But I would never have guessed this.
Can’t this really be fixed at the level of the program itself!?
This looks like a bug.

It’s 100% a bug, but I can’t commit to or comment on where fixing it is in the roadmap.

Thanks @jarak, I’ve improved the dev issue so next time I’ll have an easier time finding the fix! :smiley: