Which job submission option are you using in SMTD?
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … on-options
By default it is: “SAVE and Submit Current Scene File with the Job to the REPOSITORY”, which means that SMTD is saving a copy of the scene file and copying it into the job directory on your repository at submission time. I mention this as in your V-Ray beta post you mention the difference between saving the scene file or not. I wanted to pointed out that at SMTD submission time, we are saving the scene file.
Anyway, I did a bunch of testing, following your instructions exactly. I’m unable to reproduce this issue at all.
Using 3dsMax 2014 + latest nightly build of V-Ray 3.45.01 + Deadline or
I opened the test scene file you posted to the V-Ray beta forum and queried the V-Ray VFB region coords and they are indeed incorrect and beyond the realms of the 8500x9000 image resolution you are rendering, so I would fully expect Deadline to flag this in the SMTD sanity checker (assuming you are running a version of Deadline with this relatively new sanity check added to it and it is not commented out!) and also fail at render time. You can test this yourself in MAXScript:
[code]# Open your example scene file and execute command:
–#(29006, 9600, 51531, 92400)
Open V-Ray VFB and draw/drag a region and then re-execute the command:
–#(184, 80, 293, 177)
Open a fresh, vanilla 3dsmax scene file, and the V-Ray VFB region is always 0,0,0,0:
–#(0, 0, 0, 0)[/code]
You can add the following lines to your “customize.ms” file so it prints this info as the scene file is loaded on your render nodes:
where you see this:
--Check VRay version. Function available in VRay v3+
vrayVersionCheck = try(vrayVersion())catch(undefined) --2 element array returned in VRay v3.0+ only #(version, build)
if vrayVersionCheck != undefined then (
DeadlineUtil.LogMessage ( ">V-Ray version, build: " + (vrayVersionCheck as string) )
vrayVer = vrayVersionCheck[1][1] as integer
else ( vrayVer = 2 )
add the following lines here:
[code] --Check VRay version. Function available in VRay v3+
vrayVersionCheck = try(vrayVersion())catch(undefined) --2 element array returned in VRay v3.0+ only #(version, build)
if vrayVersionCheck != undefined then (
DeadlineUtil.LogMessage ( ">V-Ray version, build: " + (vrayVersionCheck as string) )
vrayVer = vrayVersionCheck[1][1] as integer
else ( vrayVer = 2 )
vfbRegionEnabled = try(vrayVFBGetRegionEnabled())catch(False)
if vfbRegionEnabled do DeadlineUtil.LogMessage( ">VFB region rendering enabled: " + (vrayVFBGetRegion() as string) )[/code]
Are you sure you don’t just have a corrupt 3dsMax scene file for some reason?
I can’t explain why your V-Ray VFB region coords are soooo high: #(29006, 9600, 51531, 92400). Probably one for Vlado if you can reproduce it for him. Note, we do NOT touch these values at all in Deadline at any point.