Render/Save Types

I don’t know about anyone else but I think it would be nice if when you switch from render to save particles or vice-versa the system would have the option to remember what Particle Types were enabled for each. For instance I would just have Particle flow Types set to save and when I switch back to render PRT’s would be enabled.


Wouldn’t it be nice if somebody would have thought of that? Say, two years ago?
Oh, right, somebody did! :smiley: … ce_Presets

LOL, so I guess it was a good thought :smiley:

Boy and I thought I read the manual! :blush: so many buttons so little time…so where did you hide the “make art” button :slight_smile:

Thanks Bobo

For the record, it was Chris Pember’s idea, I just implemented it. Made perfect sense, still does. So yes, a good thought.

The “Make Art” button is only enabled when running a special chip from Intel that is powered by human sacrifices. Its a steep cost, so typical installs leave it disabled.

“Digital” or “practical” human sacrifices?

I enabled and lost 2 interns, the render was worth it – until i realized I rendered the wrong camera… oh well.

Well I have gone and done it now! My office is nearly empty…

It tell you the human cost is way to high to get the Secret Category!

Well, that not only made my day, but also earned you one free feature request. Choose wisely.

Just in case your serious :smiley: I’ll give you the choice:

  1. World Peace
  2. PD Viewer access to PFlow/TP/Fume would be well …very informative :slight_smile:
  3. PRT mesher :ugeek:
  4. Fume Voxel randomization :smiley:
  5. Fume Vorticity Channel
  6. I’d say something for Realflow but I have only just started using it again