render time for task clock running vs real render time

Is there a way to find somewhere time spend on rendering on all frames together compared to clock runnig…
If it doesnt make sense here is exmaple:

If you run Job A let it render couple frames then jump on Job B, time will still go on Job A.
So even if you realistically spend like 1h rendering Job A, Clock running time will show time since those first frames are rendered even if it was hours or day ago…

Makes any sense?
So is there a way to find out like sum of all per frame or per task time spent rendering instead of how much time was really spend rendering tasks?

Thank you

Look in Job Details panel > Statistics tab > Total Task Time value. … ob-details

Ah perfect, thank you!!

One more small thing.

Is it possible to select multiple tasks and get total time for them all? or at least per Job total Job time that will include time for all tasks inside job?

There isn’t a way to show the total time for all tasks, but the Total Task Time Bobo mentioned is the sum of all task’s “Task Time”. This doesn’t include time spent on a requeued task (task errors, manually restarted).