render uv pass

Hello. who to render krak UV?
My goal is remapping UVtexture particles in nuke. example
In 3dmax i have Maping Operator and asigned Static Mat.
After i’ve saved particles with krak(texturecoord included) and loaded by PRT loader. all looks greate too!)
Next step - i assigned Textcoord to Color in magma.
I understand that particles render goes shaded in this way, anyway i tried use this to remap uv in nuke, nothing works!

Actually, instead of copying the TextureCoord to Color in a Magma and rendering the shaded particles, you should add a Render Element of type Krakatoa CustomData, open the Magma editor there, create an Output node and feed the TextureCoord InputChannel into it. The fastest way would be by pressing SHIFT+CTRL+M, and then SHIFT+M.

You might want to also disable the “Filter” option of the Render Element. This will write the full value to every pixel affected by a particle, otherwise the color would be filtered according to the Bilinear/Bucibic settings of the Final Pass Draw Filter, and you don’t want that as it would skew the UVs.

When you render, you will get a separate UVs render element image without the shading. Try using that in Nuke to control the UV mapping…