Hi, for several versions of MODO there is no official support anymore.
Is this a businbessdecission or did you just forget about modo ??
Since there the foundry will shortly release modo 16 I’d like to know what I can do to make Deadline render my current MODO 15 and the upcoming MODO 16 scenes.
you won’t get anywhere as the official response since the AWS acquisition is to not reveal any roadmap/ features.
Have you tried modifying the param file?
find this line
Label=modo 13xx Render Executable
Category=Render Executables
Default=C:\Program Files\Foundry\Modo\13.0v1\modo_cl.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Foundry\modo\13.0v1\modo_cl.exe;/Applications/modo.app/Contents/MacOS/modo_cl
Description=The path to the modo command line executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.
then copy paste for the versions you require, I’ve not tested this and don’t know if it works with any py3 changes etc.
Label=modo 14xx Render Executable
Category=Render Executables
Default=C:\Program Files\Foundry\Modo\14.0v1\modo_cl.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Foundry\modo\14.0v1\modo_cl.exe;/Applications/modo.app/Contents/MacOS/modo_cl
Description=The path to the modo command line executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.
Label=modo 15xx Render Executable
Category=Render Executables
Default=C:\Program Files\Foundry\Modo\15.0v1\modo_cl.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Foundry\modo\15.0v1\modo_cl.exe;/Applications/modo.app/Contents/MacOS/modo_cl
Description=The path to the modo command line executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.
For the submitter you should be able to follow the manual instructions
I tried modifying these param file but it doesn’t work
It then brings up the submit window, lets you submit, gives the pop up to say submit ok, but nothing pops up in the monitor.
We’ve been using Deadline as our farm manager for years, and the last few updates including 14 were no problem.
While trying to upgrade to 15 and 16 we ran into the same problem after modifying params file:
(*new account in forums, image may not be displaying)
I see the the same error message as Anthony.
There’s a feature request made to our internal team to add support for Modo 15 and 16. I think it might be breaking because Modo 15 and onwards are using Py3 and our current plugin does not support that. Can you share the full job report with me?