I was wondering if it would be possible to use two computers on two different locations for rendering on same deadline repository?
To elaborate:
Location A:
storage, repository, deadline slave 1
Location B:
storage, deadline slave 2
Now if we have identical folder setup on both locations and all files available like
and output folder being w:\Project\output render
Would be it be possible to connect slave 2 on Location B to repository on Location A, to get tasks from that repository and then continue loading scenes and rendering to local w: drive project folder?
In theory there shouldn’t be any large file transfers between them and with good internet connection and static IP on Location A… could it be possible?
Later even expanding to more slaves on 1 location and then more on another and having all of them rendering on main deadline repository
Yeah, this is absolutely possible. We have a number of studios already doing this to great success.
The big thing to configure is going to be “limits” for each studio so that jobs submitted from location A will render on farm A and the same for location B. I should mention that you could use groups as well, but that would tie them up. There are ways of scripting things to automate assigning these limits. There’s an example of how to set, but you’d need to handle the locations part yourself.
The trick here has always been asset syncing if you wanted to have both sides handle each other’s jobs, but if you’re only in it for control life should be good. Deadline 8.0 (due out in a few weeks) also syncs scripts locally, so it should perform even better for this than 7.x did.
Bin a bit busy so had to push this on the side.
I’m not sure completely on process of this.
So there is repository on location A and computer A as slave
Then location B and computer slave B.
Also both comps have synced location so assets are not issue.
Part that I don’t understand is if Computer B is connecting to repository on location A, and how?
I was also looking a bit into web service but didn’t manage to get it so wondering if there are more detailed instructions about that and if that web service sis what is needed for this to work.
Most will set up a virtual private network between both, and this will allow Slave B to connect to location A by just specifying the correct share or mount: the network will handle the rest.
To make things faster, with Deadline 8.0 you would have the Deadline Proxy server run on the machine with the Repository and Database. With that up and running, you can the tell the Slaves to use this new proxy server by using the “Change Repository” option in either the Launcher or the Monitor of those machines. docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … proxy.html