Ok Excuse the slightly rambling post… But I need to come up with a solution to a fairly complex problem and without being too specific here.
Currently 3dsmax r9, Deadline 4.1, Vray 2.01
I need to render out from 1 file, but with about 100+ different options, which include different layers needing to be on, different objects visibilities, different materials for different objects. Ideally all into a predefined folder structure.
So I currently have UI for jumping between all the information, but there’s no way to animate between everything. I don’t want to set up 100 different passes manually as the file is just too heavy to save that many times.
What I would like is for upon opening on the renderfarm Deadline to load the scene and then load the preferences that I have specified, which would include, hiding objects, setting visible to camera, matte objects layer options and material options and the renderoutput path…
So ideally, I have an output from my UI which gives a struct for each render pass and puts this into persistent globals (or to a file) and then I have a pre-render script which loads all this information and Renders to the File.
I’m happy enough writing the scripts but how much can I ‘interfere’ with Deadline with a post-load script? I should be able to modify the properties of the objects on a post-load script but what I want to be able to do is;
a) Know which frame number the job is rendering to be able to get the appropriate struct - eg Datastruct[currentframe].rendername
b) Modify the output path that Deadline will use.
c) Modify the RenderElements Path
The script will have to run on post-load for every frame, so it has to reload the file before each render… (unless I can work out a work-around of one of my other problems which is slightly destructive to the scene)… unless there is a simple way with maxscript to ‘undo’ the actions.
If I was use a ‘MAXScript Scene Processing Job’ if you have a range of frames to render does this maxscript job pass the frame number to the slave via an accessible variable?
Ok Hopefully i’m not rambling too much…
Thanks in advanced for any useful info.