Rendering with Rhino

I’m trying to get Deadline 3.1 working with Rhino 4. The scene will render on the slave if I open it in Rhino, but using Deadline, I get the same error found in this post:

I’ve tried installing the slave without service mode, but I still get the same error. How do I get the two programs to kiss & make up and get things rendered in Deadline?

Can you please post this on the 3.1 beta discussion board? If you can re-post the error message you’re getting there as well, that would be great!


  • Ryan

I’m actually using Rhino 3.0 SP1 Ryan, though I’ll happily try the beta to see if it fixes this :slight_smile: I also can’t find a link for the 3.1 beta forums :frowning:

This is the error:

0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “Rhino instance with PID ([0-9]+) is now running”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “Closing render window”
0: INFO: Handling stdout that matches regex “Render completed successfully”
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files\Frantic Films\Deadline\bin\deadlinerhinorenderer.exe”
0: INFO: Render Argument: " -s “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\jobsData\petra_rhino_t-spline (38 layers).3dm” -o “\\render-farm\FinishedJobs\benchmark\Rhino\rhinotest01.jpg” -r “Rhino Render” -c 10 -t 10"
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Frantic Films\Deadline\bin”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
---- March 12 2009 – 09:35 AM ----
0: STDOUT: Rhino instance with PID 212 is now running
0: STDOUT: Waiting 10 seconds for Rhino to start up
0: INFO: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Getting popup handles
0: INFO: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Got 0 handles
0: INFO: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Returning

The slave isn’t running as a service. The file to be rendered is being held on a NAS box, which also contains the repository.

OK, just to confirm, are you rendering with Deadline 3.0 SP1 with Rhino 4? I only mentioned the 3.1 beta board because you mentioned Deadline 3.1. :slight_smile: We haven’t done any work with the Rhino plugin for 3.1.

I’m not seeing an error message here. Is the render just hanging? Also, which service pack of Rhino 4 are you using?


  • Ryan

That’s the message I get :frowning:

The popuphandler message repeats a lot, then it crashes Rhino. Where can I find the error logs?

You can access the errors by right-clicking on the job in the Monitor and selecting Job Reports -> View Error reports. There is also an option to View Log Reports, and if you could send us one of these log reports, that would be great (the error reports cuts off most of the slave log, and in this case, I think we need the whole slave log to figure out what’s going on).


  • Ryan

Sorry my reply has taken so long, other problems robbed me of time.

Looking at the error messages, there aren’t any. The Rhino renderer crashes, end of story. I have contacted Rhino as well, but I’ve had no reply from them yet.

We finally got around to running a Rhino 4 test, and we didn’t run into any problems. We were originally running Rhino 4 SR4, which worked, and then we upgraded to the SR5b, and that worked fine too. One thing we will be doing is turning off those popup handling messages, since they’re rather annoying (probably left over from debugging).

Since there aren’t any errors, we’re going to need a slave log to see if we can figure out what’s going on. The best way to get a clean log is to do the following:

  1. Pick a slave machine to run the job, and close the slave application on that machine.
  2. Submit a new Rhino job, and modify the machine list so that the slave you picked is the only machine in the job’s whitelist.
  3. Start the slave application on the machine you chose and let it try to pick up a task from the job.
  4. Once the slave finishes with a task (either Rhino crashes, exits, etc), close the slave and then send us the most recent slave log. If you’re on XP, these can be found in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\logs

Also, I’ve reviewed our conversation thus far, and realized we still haven’t confirmed which version of Rhino you are using (you’ve mentioned Rhino 4 and Rhino 3.0 SP1). Can you please confirm the version (including the service release number)?


  • Ryan

Hey Ryan,

Just wanted to jump in here, as I posted the original issue and was curious to see if this was working in the current version of Deadline. Are you successfully rendering Rhino running Deadline as a service, or as an application? The last I’d heard that there were problems running it as a service, so I’d love to hear if that’s been corrected, as we’d still like to get rendering through Rhino up and running on our farm.



Hi Eric,

We’re not rendering with Deadline running as a service. This still doesn’t work with Rhino.


  • Ryan

ok, I’m plerased to ay that somehow it’s started working.

it must have been something to do with installing Rhino 4 SP5b. Time for more testing.

Thanks for the support though Ryan