Renderman 19 - RIS Support


We’re fairly new to both Deadline (v7) and Renderman RIS (I guess most people are new to RIS!) so forgive me if i’ve missed something, but when rendering directly from Maya (2015) with Renderman’s RIS using the Deadline Submitter (MayaBatch with Deadline Job type: Maya Render Job), we get an error:

2015-03-31 10:39:22:  0: WARNING: Renderer rendermanris is currently unsupported, so falling back to generic render arguments

and the ends up rendering out incorrectly. Going through the slave log/task report indicates that the incorrect arguments are being passed to for Renderman to use RIS

2015-03-31 10:39:22:  0: INFO: Rendering with rendermanris

Officially its

-r rman -ris

but this isn’t list on Pixar’s documentation, only reference I could find officially appears if you run render.exe -r rman -h

Switching over to non Maya Batch and supplying the cmd arguments causes more issues as passing the arguments “-r rman -ris” crashes out due to duplicate arguments as it seems to append the arguments on the end of the originals.

So dumping the internal Maya submitter and moving to DL7’ Monitor’s Maya submitter gave me the option for “Render” to use Renderman (why isn’t this in the internal one?) but that still didn’t work as it didn’t supply or use the -RIS argument (seems to correctly use “-r rman” but doesn’t use the new switch for RIS which is “-r rman -ris”). So I switched the advanced options to supply only -rman -ris and only use these cmd line arguments but it fails because I didn’t set the output directory (-rd “c:\etc”). Added that switch in and it appears to work.

From the Job Properties - Plugin Info Parameters

SceneFile=Z:/Students/Piggy_animation/scenes/Animation/airport_set_asset.mb Version=2015 Build=64bit ProjectPath=Z:\Students\Piggy_animation StrictErrorChecking=True LocalRendering=False MaxProcessors=0 FrameNumberOffset=0 OutputFilePath=Z:/Students/Piggy_animation/images Renderer=Renderman CommandLineOptions=-r rman -ris -rd "Z:/Students/Piggy_animation/images" UseOnlyCommandLineOptions=1 IgnoreError211=False

Alternatively, I was able to get it to work via the Monitors CommandlineSubmission using:

Arguments=-r rman -ris -rd "Z:\Renderfarm\Piggy_animation\images\Scene_B\shot07_B" -n 0 -s <STARTFRAME> -e <ENDFRAME> -b 1 "\\fsww01\ccistuddata$\Students\Piggy_animation\scenes\Animation\Scene_B\shot07_B\03_shot07_B_test.mb" Executable=C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/bin/Render.exe StartupDirectory=

Side note
It appears that Renderman doesn’t like “$” symbols being supplied, and as we’re using UNC addressing and our share requires a $ (University + Enterprise IT) it crashes out. It is possible to ignore this somehow from deadline, ie slash it out? I’ve currently changed our repository setup on windows to use a mapped drive and for paths to be replaced to z:\ but its not ideal as we also use OS X (haven’t tested Renderman and OS X yet, so this may be a non-issue)

Feature Request:

Monitor - MayaSubmission
Adding a Renderman/RIS drop down option in the Monitors MayaSubmission which supplies the required “-r rman -ris”

Maya Internal Submitter
Add options to choose render like MayaSubmission as the scenes Render Globals didn’t work for Renderman/RIS (see above)

Hmm… turns out that via the Monitors MayaSubmission, using MayaBatch works fine:

Job Info

UserName=mschne02 Frames=1-2 Pool=test_pool Blacklist= ScheduledStartDateTime=02/04/2015 15:13 MachineName=WCCI****** Plugin=MayaBatch OutputDirectory0=Z:\Students\Piggy_animation\images

Plugin Info

SceneFile=Z:/Students/Piggy_animation/scenes/Animation/Scene_A/shot04_A/04_shot04_A_onspot.mb Version=2015 Build=64bit ProjectPath=Z:/Students/Piggy_animation StrictErrorChecking=False LocalRendering=False MaxProcessors=0 FrameNumberOffset=0 OutputFilePath=Z:/Students/Piggy_animation/images Renderer=Renderman StartupScript= CommandLineOptions=-ris UseOnlyCommandLineOptions=0 IgnoreError211=False

Note: using the Non MayaBatch way and supplying -ris as mentioned above worked, except our scene cause maya to exit with a 255 error and the frames/tasks would error and re-render over a perfectly fine image. Submitting it with MayaBatch checked worked and stopped the tasks failing with a 255 error.

Am I missing something obvious or are am I just being unlucky!? (Or the joys of using student created scenes)

Renderman v19 (released last week) support has only just been added to Deadline v7.1 (in beta) last week. We will make sure we add RIS support as well.
Are you interested in joining the v7.1 beta to test? If so, please do send an email to “beta [at] thinkboxsoftware [dot] com” for the NDA to sign for access.
Thanks very much for the detailed feedback.